Default theme. It switches between Light and Dark automatically to match the operating system theme.
Provides greatest readability, but requires a well-lit environment.
Reduces eye fatigue. Ideal for low light environments.
Page Width
Fixed page width. Improves readability.
Dynamic page width. As wide as the browser window.
Log Messages
Level (7)
Channel (4)
Method "Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command::execute()" might add "int" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Command\RelaunchSubContractorCommand" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command::execute()" might add "int" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Command\ResetAmountForAClientWithContractEndOfMonthCommand" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command::execute()" might add "int" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Command\ResetCurrentBalanceForAClientWithContractEndOfMonthCommand" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command::execute()" might add "int" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Command\SendAnEmailForAllConsumptionEveryYearCommand" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command::execute()" might add "int" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Command\SendAnEmailForConsumptionOfTheMonthCommand" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command::execute()" might add "int" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Command\VigilanceCertificateReminderCommand" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
The "App\Controller\API\LoginAPIAuthenticatorCustom" class extends "Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\AbstractGuardAuthenticator" that is deprecated since Symfony 5.3, use the new authenticator system instead.
Method "Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\AuthenticatorInterface::getCredentials()" might add "mixed" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\Controller\API\LoginAPIAuthenticatorCustom" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Doctrine\Common\EventSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventListener\UserQueryListener" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\AdminSubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\CampaignSubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\ClientSubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\ClientWpSubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\CompanySubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\ConfidentialitySubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Doctrine\Common\EventSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\DoctrineSubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\FcmNotificationSubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\JobSubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\MissionSubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\SubContractorSubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\UserSubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\EventSubscriber\WorkflowStepSubscriber" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\Form\DataTransformerInterface::reverseTransform()" might add "mixed" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\Form\DataTransformer\NotificationToEnumTransformer" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\Form\DataTransformerInterface::reverseTransform()" might add "mixed" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\Form\DataTransformer\NotificationTypeToEnumTransformer" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\Form\DataTransformerInterface::transform()" might add "mixed" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\Form\DataTransformer\ProductTextToObjectTransformer" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\Form\DataTransformerInterface::reverseTransform()" might add "mixed" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\Form\DataTransformer\ProductTextToObjectTransformer" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository::findOneBy()" might add "?object" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Repository\SystemEmailRepository" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter\Voter::supports()" might add "bool" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Security\Voter\RoleVoter" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
Method "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter\Voter::voteOnAttribute()" might add "bool" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "App\Security\Voter\RoleVoter" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The "" service is deprecated, create your own "" instead.
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
[1 => ""
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
"params" => [1 => ""
"types" => [1 => 2]
User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The "" service is deprecated, use "", "" or "" instead.
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
[1 => ""
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
"params" => [1 => ""
"types" => [1 => 2]
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
[1 => ""
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
"params" => [1 => ""
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
[1 => ""
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
"params" => [1 => ""
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
[1 => ""
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
"params" => [1 => ""
"types" => [1 => 2]
User Deprecated: Since twig/twig 3.9: Using the internal "twig_escape_filter" function is deprecated.
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
[1 => ""
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
"params" => [1 => ""
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing statement:
"SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
[1 => ""
, types:
[1 => 2]
"sql" => "SELECT AS id_0, AS name_1, c0_.domaine_name AS domaine_name_2, c0_.email_project AS email_project_3, c0_.mdp_email_project AS mdp_email_project_4, c0_.marge_my_flow AS marge_my_flow_5, c0_.logo_name AS logo_name_6, c0_.favicon_name AS favicon_name_7, c0_.enabled AS enabled_8, c0_.type_company AS type_company_9, c0_.cb_payment AS cb_payment_10, c0_.contract AS contract_11, c0_.customer_discount AS customer_discount_12, c0_.default_credit_cost AS default_credit_cost_13, c0_.cost_of_discounted_credit AS cost_of_discounted_credit_14, c0_.created_at AS created_at_15, c0_.updated_at AS updated_at_16, c0_.siren AS siren_17, c0_.front_id AS front_id_18, c0_.current_credit AS current_credit_19, c0_.current_balance AS current_balance_20, c0_.deleted AS deleted_21, c0_.link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment AS link_my_flow_confidentiality_commitment_22, c0_.extension_domain AS extension_domain_23, c0_.parent_id AS parent_id_24, c0_.company_data_id AS company_data_id_25, c0_.representative_id AS representative_id_26 FROM companies c0_ WHERE c0_.domaine_name LIKE ?"
"params" => [1 => ""
"types" => [1 => 2]
Executing query:
"sql" => "SELECT DATABASE()"
Executing statement:
"sql" => """
"params" => [1 => "app_preprod"
2 => "doctrine_migration_versions"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 2]
Executing statement:
SELECT c.COLUMN_NAME AS field,\n IF(\n c.COLUMN_TYPE = 'longtext'\n AND EXISTS(\n SELECT * from information_schema.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS i_c\n WHERE i_c.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = 'app_preprod'\n AND i_c.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME\n AND i_c.CHECK_CLAUSE = CONCAT(\n 'json_valid(`',\n c.COLUMN_NAME,\n '`)'\n )\n ),\n 'json',\n c.COLUMN_TYPE\n ) AS type,\n c.IS_NULLABLE AS `null`,\n c.COLUMN_KEY AS `key`,\n c.COLUMN_DEFAULT AS `default`,\n c.EXTRA,\n c.COLUMN_COMMENT AS comment,\n c.CHARACTER_SET_NAME AS characterset,\n c.COLLATION_NAME AS collation\nFROM information_schema.COLUMNS c\n INNER JOIN information_schema.TABLES t\n ON t.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME\n WHERE c.TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND t.TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND t.TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND t.TABLE_NAME = ? ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION
"sql" => """
SELECT c.COLUMN_NAME AS field,\n IF(\n c.COLUMN_TYPE = 'longtext'\n AND EXISTS(\n SELECT * from information_schema.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS i_c\n WHERE i_c.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = 'app_preprod'\n AND i_c.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME\n AND i_c.CHECK_CLAUSE = CONCAT(\n 'json_valid(`',\n c.COLUMN_NAME,\n '`)'\n )\n ),\n 'json',\n c.COLUMN_TYPE\n ) AS type,\n c.IS_NULLABLE AS `null`,\n c.COLUMN_KEY AS `key`,\n c.COLUMN_DEFAULT AS `default`,\n c.EXTRA,\n c.COLUMN_COMMENT AS comment,\n c.CHARACTER_SET_NAME AS characterset,\n c.COLLATION_NAME AS collation\nFROM information_schema.COLUMNS c\n INNER JOIN information_schema.TABLES t\n ON t.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME\n WHERE c.TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND t.TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND t.TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND t.TABLE_NAME = ? ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION
"params" => [1 => "app_preprod"
2 => "app_preprod"
3 => "doctrine_migration_versions"
"types" => [1 => 22 => 23 => 2]
Executing query:
"sql" => "SELECT DATABASE()"
Executing statement: